Faith And Failures Podcast

Bishop Mar Mari BRUTAL Stabbed in the Pulpit Then THIS Happened?

May 02, 2024 Stephen Tilmon Season 2 Episode 29

Navigating the currents of culture, church, and family presents a labyrinth of challenges, especially when viewed through the lens of our Christian faith. Our latest episode reflects on the commitment needed to juggle the joys of new fatherhood with the pull of divine calling. The recent assault on Bishop Mar Mari Emanuel serves as a chilling reminder that our work in the ministry is more crucial than ever. As we examine the role of the church in shaping society, we're prompted to consider how believers can contribute positively to the world of business and politics while remaining true to our spiritual foundations.

The weight of today's headlines often bears down with news that pierces the heart, like the shocking attack carried out by a 16-year-old in Australia. We dive into the complexities of reporting such incidents, grappling with the media's language and our own tangled emotions stemming from interfaith tensions. The conversation extends to the broader implications for interfaith dialogue and the importance of understanding amidst adversity. It's a sobering look at the current state of our communities and how we, as followers of Christ, must respond to acts perceived to be rooted in religious disrespect.

Standing in the gap for one's faith takes a courage that's rooted in love and conviction. This episode calls upon each listener to contemplate the essence of our beliefs, the biblical call to forgiveness, and the distinction between divine standards and human failings. We challenge you to consider what it means to defend your faith not only in the physical realm but also against the digital onslaught of the modern age. Join us for this vital conversation where we strive to exemplify the love and character our faith espouses, even amidst a world that relentlessly tests them.

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Speaker 1:

Before we get into today's video, I just wanted to say thank you to all of the new subscribers. If you haven't yet, consider subscribing, hit that bell notification so that you can see every time I put out a new video. A major portion of you that watch my videos haven't subscribed yet, so why not? It's free. You can also find a PayPal link below if you want to give a one-time or give a monthly to support the channel. Anything, great or small, is appreciated.

Speaker 1:

Now let's get into the video, doing things a little bit random today, trying to work it in. For those of you that don't know, I have a newborn. She's six months old now, so life has changed a lot. So, that being said, I get on here when I can and I was posting videos. Let's see. I think I was trying to do it Monday, wednesday, friday, sometimes Saturday, as a bonus episode, so I've slowed that down quite a bit as a bonus episode. So I've slowed that down quite a bit because I have found that Steven me will push himself until he crashes and burns and then wonders why I'm on edge, wonders why I am stressed out and bottom of kind of the bottom line line is I'm putting too much on my plate. So I love doing this podcast I believe with all my heart, is a ministry God put on my heart years ago to start doing. I poured thousands of dollars into my setup and the things that I do and all that stuff. But my family and my church and the other jobs I do during the week, they have to come first because they pay for where we live and how we eat. So, that being said, you noticed I'm not going to tell you to subscribe, but you can. But that new little intro thing I made for the podcast to kind of give you all the information you need before we ever start any episodes. So first of all, if you're watching live today, thank you so much for joining. I am excited today. I say excited it's kind of a double-edged sword Excited but not excited.

Speaker 1:

There's some bad news here, recent in the news, literally in the news. In Australia there is a Christian bishop called Mar Mari Emanuel and so he was brutally stabbed, rushed to the hospital. As far as I know, he is okay. So at the end of this segment we're going to wrap it up with some scripture that I believe sums up a little bit of what the church today is going through, and when I say the church today, I mean here in America. Now, this is obviously in Australia, I think here in America, if you don't know, here in America it's election year.

Speaker 1:

There's a lot of back and forth and I believe that, at the end of the day, both sides when I say both sides, I mean left and right, conservative, liberal they ended up using the everyday modern person like you and me to kind of get their own agenda pushed through. Sadly, I wish that there was one side. You know, 50, 60 years ago, the more for the people side was the more liberal side. But it seems like things have kind of flopped and all they do is try to divide people. And then you have the conservative side that they do a lot of talking but there's never anybody held accountable.

Speaker 1:

So, anyways, that being said, there is a an attack on not only the christian church. So let's break it down with the attack of the christian church, and then we'll come back to the video. We're going to watch the news actually we're going to watch about this bishop getting stabbed. But the the audacity of the enemy, okay. So if you're a believer, if you're not, that's fine. You're probably gonna make fun of this you're probably gonna say, oh the daddy, god in the sky, which is weird. No one that I know talks like that. You're just pulling something out of your and trying to make some sort of argument. That doesn't stand okay.

Speaker 1:

Second of all, the, the church culture is under attack. Now what do I mean by that? The church has, over time, become an unrecognizable bride to Christ. So the church has a lot. If you don't know, my name is Stephen Tillman. I'm the pastor of a church and I just preached a little bit on this last week. We're going from Craigig rochelle's book, the, the what is it called winning the war on your mind? A great book. It breaks down a lot of the psychological issues that we end up, especially as men, we just brush over. We don't actually dive in and get our hands dirty and figure out what the problem is. But so I'm coming from that book in this series and I'm calling it the battleground. And so last week we talked about that the culture has infiltrated the church. But it should be that the church should infiltrate the culture. Well, what's a part of the culture? Also, political stuff. The church should be influencing the political stuff.

Speaker 1:

If I'm a Christian and I have a business. Okay, my business should reflect me being a Christian. It should not be. I'm not going to push my Bible verses down people's throat, but I don't do that in the regular conversation anyways. That's weird. But the way I believe is also the way that I function in character, integrity. Everything that I do is done as if I am doing it unto the Lord.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so the church has been under attack, our government has been under attack for many years, but when you get down to what is really going on, it comes down to an attack of the enemy on god's people. Okay, see, now you have the church being attacked. Well then, at the same time and I I think since the beginning of time the enemy, the devil. The bible says that he is the ruler of the principalities of the air. You know, here down on earth, he is allowed to have free reign, and mostly free reign, unless God puts a stop to it at his word. But, that being said, he has put out an attack, a constant attack, on the family. So how is it that you get like we're going to watch in a minute a 15 year old boy that thinks it's okay to run up on a bishop, a man of God that is preaching the word of God and just start stabbing him hysterically with the knife. How do we come to that? Well, some say he was a Muslim, which is possible. We're going to look into that. Just a second in the news. They actually have the facts.

Speaker 1:

But the other is, and I believe, a lot of issues with our culture, and this coincides both with our culture on a daily, day to day living a church goer, day to day church culture. These two things right here are so damaged by the enemy trying to take out the word and placement of father. Now, why is that so terrible? If you go into broken homes and when I say broken, I'm not using it as a derogatory term, but usually the father is not there, the father is absent or no one knows who the father is. Okay, there's a two-way street. It's the mom's fault too, the mother's involved. Okay, we're not excluding women from you. Know, unless something happened to you that should not have happened to you, to be blunt, you spread your legs and allow things to happen. Okay, whether it was alcohol induced, you just got a little fun. Whatever, it doesn't matter. It takes two to tango. No person could just go. Yeah, well, I'm pregnant. That's not how it works. Okay, for those of you who didn't know, now you know.

Speaker 1:

So, that being said, as the enemy gets his roots deeper and deeper into the church culture, into our home culture and every generation, it seems that the definition, even the desire for a father to be involved you got these boss babes running around. I don't need a man, or they think they need a man that produces $250,000 a year. I'm like dude, if that's what you think a value man is, you don't understand what value is. There's a jacked up definition of what a true man is, what a father is supposed to be, and you can have a man who is a salt of the earth kind of guy. He works a manual labor job. He probably makes close to minimum wage, a little more. Whatever works his tail off, comes in every day and the amount of money that he brings in and gets deposited into his bank account has nothing to do with the value of that man, but culture. The enemy has tried to write, rewrite the definition of what a man actually is.

Speaker 1:

If you read read just coming from a Christian perspective if you read Jesus, there's nowhere. There is nowhere where it talks about Jesus came from a wealthy family. Matter of fact, he came from the family of carpenters. So, that being said, I don't know if you know any carpenters today. Now there's builders, okay, but a carpenter like a handyman that can come in and do some things like that, they can make decent money, but it's not a glamorous job. I mean, the israelites, the jews, were looking for a king to come in. That's why they didn't accept jesus as being the messiah is because they thought it was going to be some sort of king riding in on a white horse that was going to have a sword and armor and was going to take back everything that had been taken from them and their culture and overthrow the government and overthrow everybody and bring God's people into the rightful place.

Speaker 1:

God doesn't do things in the process that we think he doesn't do things in the timing that we think he should do it. He oftentimes will do it at a pace that seems so slow. If you've ever been there, if you've ever waited on the Lord, somebody come on A pace that seems so slow, it seems as if he is not there. I was watching a video and it was funny. It was a little meme and it was like a, a sloth and the, and the guy had it, had a text over him and it said my wife. And then it had a text over a sloth and it said me and the, the, the zoo guy or whatever he was, he was, and this guy right here he's got. You know, he's he's half blind, he's half deaf and the sloth is barely moving. He's like and this is as fast as he ever moves, like sometimes it feels like god is a sloth, like so slow that if you're not paying attention, you wouldn't think that he was there.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so, that being said, the enemy is getting more and more and more brave. He's not doing anything different, it's just coming in different packages. And so for someone to stab a bishop, for youth to disrespect authority, whether it be the police, whether it be teachers, whether it be principals, anybody that's over them I tell my'm like, listen, you're 15 years old, you've never paid a bill, you don't even know what life is like. Like you have a, you you have a very, very cushioned, false sense of reality because you've never actually had to fend for yourself or provide for anybody else. So there's a disconnect, because entitlement is running rampant, and this is not in just our youth. This is in our government, this is in our churches, this is in people who are supposed to be adults and should be wise enough to know better, and we still show up expecting everybody to serve us, and we don't want to sacrifice anything.

Speaker 1:

So we're going to watch this a clip. Right, quick and real quick, if you're joining us, if you would just watch this for a second Before we get into today's video. I just wanted to say thank you to all of the new subscribers. If you haven't yet consider subscribing, hit that bell notification so that you can see every time I put out a new video. A major portion of you that watch my videos haven't subscribed yet, so why not? It's free. You can also find a paypal link below if you want to give it one time or give a monthly to support the channel. Anything, great or small, is appreciated.

Speaker 1:

Now let's get into the video. All right, welcome back, welcome back. So you see, probably before we get any further, you can see I got it a little dark in here today just because I don't feel like messing with a bunch of stuff. You can see on my head right here. See, that says Faith and Failures. So I am slowly putting together a shop for Faith and Failures merchandise. So you just saw that little thing right there and actually let's little thing right there.

Speaker 3:

And actually let's do this right here Faith and Failure's podcast.

Speaker 1:

So I got a new logo. We're going to be putting that on some shirts. I may put it on hoodies I don't know, it's about to be summertime, but anybody got any? Just comment below If you have a youth, for some reason, or a young adult that it's in the middle of texas summer and they're still wearing flipping hoodies. I do not understand how that makes any sense. But then again, brain cells. You know what I mean. Till they get older, they don't really exist. So let's jump into today's video and watch this. This is from Sky Australia News, sky News Australia. So it's, this is pretty, pretty bad stuff, but we we need to. I thought I'd mess something up. We need to cover this, because this is, this is sad, this is really sad.

Speaker 4:

Kenny. We've heard from political leaders, both federal and state this morning Karen Webb, chris Minns as well, where early this morning it was declared a terrorist incident. This carried out by a 16-year-old. We have now heard a translation, we believe, of the audio that was put to the prime minister, as Liv just explained. Minister, as Liv just explained, what are the latest developments on the ground there? Because we just spoke to Dai Lee and she has members of the Muslim faith now really concerned for their own safety.

Speaker 2:

Yes, well, I mean, the Premier is concerned about tit-for-tat violence as well. Police were patrolling religious sites, particularly around Western Sydney last night because of those fears. So there is a fear that this is going to escalate further than what we saw last night. In terms of what's happening here, it's still very much a crime scene. There are still forensic officers here, plain-clothed detectives, uniformed police here as well. But they have cleared a lot of the street. There have been cleaners here, men working with brooms, to clean up a lot of the street. There have been cleaners here, men working with brooms, to clean up a lot of the glass, the, the projectiles which were being thrown around the bricks and the fence palings and the stakes, those metal stakes that you find in gardens as well. But let's just take you back to the beginning and what sparked all this.

Speaker 1:

So just after 7 am, so this wasn't a one thing incident. This actually was something that I didn't realize, that it was actually something that kind of became more of a riot.

Speaker 1:

I was not aware of that part A clock Ma Murray Emanuel, a very popular Christian leader bishop, this guy you probably once, I, I show him if you haven't seen this already they, they. You've probably seen this dude talking on like I tiktok, tiktok. I saw this dude just pop up on my feed. I've seen him on instagram too. The dude has went viral for the way that he sticks to his values and says the truth, and I think that's what pushed. I don't know why the kid did it or these group of people. It may be because he's speaking, you know, for the Lord and for Christianity.

Speaker 2:

I don't know, was delivering a sermon here at the church behind me here in Southwest Sydney, in Wakely. Now this was being live streamed all around the world and what you can see in that footage is a we now know 16 year old boy wearing a black hoodie walking up to the front.

Speaker 1:

He just walks up and he immediately, I think, he gets him right there a little bit the face and then he just kind of goes down his body as he starts falling away. Man, I don't even know how many times he got stabbed, allegedly stabbing the bishop. Hold on, it wasn't allegedly, am I wrong in that? Like allegedly, is not. You see it? And there's evidence. Allegedly. Is there's you? You don't know if it happened, maybe, maybe aust's different and the bishop received facial injuries, body injuries.

Speaker 2:

He was allegedly stabbed multiple times Other parishioners.

Speaker 1:

Okay, please help me in the comments. Am I wrong? Allegedly means you don't know Like they allegedly went and did this. There's video proof. It was live streamed. Am I stupid or do I just not understand what allegedly means? Maybe it's a $20 word that I can't afford, but I'm pretty sure allegedly does not mean you have proof and you see it.

Speaker 2:

I don't know as we're hurt. As they tried to deal with the assailant, they tackled him to the ground and that's where we heard those words spoken in Arabic by the teenager, which would go to a reason why perhaps the New South Wales Police Commissioner, karen Webb, at 1.35am declared this a terrorist incident.

Speaker 3:

Ben Fordham this morning on Sydney Radio 2GB said this about what was being said during those moments and, look, we've had some people listening in and translating some of it for us and the 15-year-old who is on the ground according to our sources, who we trust according to our sources, who we trust.

Speaker 1:

Why is it dudes?

Speaker 1:

The 15-year-old was saying, at one point, words along the lines of if you didn't attack my prophet and my religion, I wouldn't be here Now during this. So what that probably means is he said something about Allah or or Muhammad. Actually, I guess he said Prophet Muhammad. That that would make sense. I don't know if you know any Muslims personally. I don't. I don't know any personally.

Speaker 1:

When I was in high school, one of my best friends, his dad, was egyptian and so he, like, spoke aramaic and stuff like that. It's pretty cool to hear him do it, but as far as like his religion, like my dad was a christian pastor we never really talked about religion. My friend didn't care, he didn't apparently carry. But apparently the muslim people, they take everything like serious and to their credit. I mean, imagine, imagine if the christians would do this with how we believed. Imagine if western american christians would actually act, if Western American Christians would actually act like the word of God is true.

Speaker 1:

Now, I may lose some clients. I don't know if any of them are watching or will watch this later but all I'm saying is this. Saying is this when the, when the great, great white throne judgment happens, as it tells us in the bible that we will have to answer for every word, both good and bad, every action, every thought. I don't think we here in the Bible Belt, where I'm at, here in East Texas, I don't think we live in a proper fear of God like we should. I think if we did we would. Our mouths would speak different, our actions would do different, our lives would look different. And I say this with all the love in the world. I don't think a lot of people that think they're going to go to heaven are going to make it to heaven, and I say that only because of the powerful transformation and conviction that I had to overcome and go through and allow the Spirit of God to lead me into Now. The Bible says to work out your salvation with fear and trembling. But here's the thing there is no working out of salvation. You can't just claim Jesus and say, oh, I'm good, I got my fire insurance, I'm getting into heaven. That's not how salvation works you actually, and it's not works that get you into heaven. Okay, it's by faith, through grace, believing that Jesus is the one true son of God. He is the only way, he is the doorway into heaven, he is the only path. He is that straight and narrow that you must walk to get into heaven. And this is what I'm saying.

Speaker 1:

A lot of Christian modern western people in their churches, in their little seats, have no relationship with God and pretend like them and God are good, when they don't know who God is. They don't read, they don't study, they don't pray, they don't fast, they don't study, they don't pray, they don't fast, they don't do anything the Bible tells us to do. They may, and these are those types of people are usually great givers and tithers and that's what they think is going to get them in heaven. Or because they go to a certain church. How many times? Maybe not you, but me, if I talk to anybody in this immediate area and I say, oh, are you a Christian? Oh, yeah, I go to church.

Speaker 1:

Bro, that is not what I asked you. I don't care if you go to church. There's a lot of people going to church. They are not going to make it to heaven and they'll be coming back to church after the rapture takes place and wondering why some people's missing. I know that's blunt and that sounds mean. It's not mean, it's real. Okay, there is a reality. There should be a level of submission. If you know Christ, if you have given your life, if you have given your heart to God, it should cost you. God is not somebody to just add to your tool belt that you get out for a certain job when you feel like getting him out. He should be the lord of your life, the center of it all. But we in america claim christianity and have nothing to do with actual christ there's a big difference.

Speaker 2:

What incident that happened inside the church here. The teenager suffered severe hand injuries. We understand that one of his fingers was severed. A large crowd started to form outside. Now the police commissioner the witnesses that we've spoken to have said it was thousands, but the police commissioner in an earlier press conference said it was up to 500 people. It was an angry mob that descended. There was a police response of over 100 police officers. The riot squad responded as well and the angry mob turned on police shouting bring him outside, bring him out, bring him out. An eye for an eye they were shouting. Here's a bit more of what was happening in the scenes outside here on the street.

Speaker 1:

Wow. So there you have it. Like now. This is.

Speaker 2:

We start with the latest on the horrifying attack in.

Speaker 1:

Sorry, it went to the. Is there another one? Oh yeah, there's another. Another news show. So let's look at some scriptures. So we're going to look at this. I want to share this with you. So this is the Contempor, contemporary English. Let's go.

Speaker 1:

So, if you guys ever study the Bible, for me what I actually preach from don't do the message. It's just a just don't do the message, don't do the passion either. New Living Translation. So New Living Translation is more thought for thought, and it just to me. Why would I preach?

Speaker 1:

A lot of people in my sphere are like King James only in Bible translation. To me, a translation is pointless, even King James, if the people hearing it cannot understand it. So I choose to do something that's very understandable. Because here's the thing Preaching the Word of God, getting someone to want to get deeper into the Word, into theology, into studying the Bible, there has to be a bar set that is so low that it doesn't hinder them from even wanting to try to step over it. Now, when I say the bar set so low, I do not mean that you change salvation, you change sanctification, you change that. You don't change the scripture, but the entry point. If you read the New Testament, the entry point, the bar is set so low it literally says, bro, you don't have to do anything, just believe. And then belief produces a hunger and a thirst for God, even deeper relationship with God, and that happens over time, like sanctification. Sanctification is an ongoing, everyday process that we pursue, which means we are trying to be right with God, to be standing in right with God, to be righteous. That is only through Jesus Christ. All right. So 1 Peter, chapter 4, verses 14 through 16, and it says if you are insulted because you bear the name of Christ, so let's I'm not changing scripture, but let's throw in a word that matches what we just watched on the news if you are assaulted because you bear the name of Christ, okay, you will be blessed. Now in our minds that seems to be backwards and doesn't make sense. But count it a blessing if you have to defend your faith.

Speaker 1:

And and my wife and I were talking the other day she it's so cool to watch my, my wife like hear her playing scripture in the other room, like the bible reading tour and stuff, and she's probably gonna get on me for this later. I think I just heard him walk in the house from picking our kid up she. She was talking about like, if you've never studied the bible, this won't make sense. But if you know anything a little bit, you'll be. You'll you understand these terms post-trib or sorry, pre-ttrib, mid-trib and post-trib. So it's like trib is stands for tribulation. So tribulation reading the book of revelation is talking about, oh, it's too deep for one podcast, or maybe maybe one day we'll do a deep dive into that. But that's some serious, in-depth Bible study that she said. You know, we may be mid-tribulation. I think she read something in Mark or Luke, I don't remember which one it was.

Speaker 1:

But like there's going to come a time and you probably are seeing it more. If you're paying attention, you see it more and more and more that we are having to either submit to the culture of what they say is right and wrong or you're a bigot, or you're a homophobe, or you're a transphobe and, by the way, phobia means you're scared of something. Those things I just named I'm not scared of. So the definitions they're using is just made up to fit their narrative. Anyways, let's move on. So there's going to be coming.

Speaker 1:

There's going to come a time where we're going to have to answer whether we are for god or whether we are against god. There is no middle and gray ground to this answer. We either follow christ and we pick up our cross, and that means that we are going to voluntarily go to the hill of crucifixion. Eventually it's going to come to a place where it's either you are or you are not, and I hate to tell you or I hate to think this way, but as weak and flimsy as believers are here in America that we sway because somebody hurt us in church or we sway because somebody said something that I didn't like.

Speaker 1:

We always define God by people, which is completely unfair and unbiblical. It's just, it's nonsense. And if that's you, I'm sorry if that hurts your feelings, but you need to get over yourself. But you need to get over yourself because there's no person ever since the beginning of time who has been perfect and has lived life perfect except for Jesus Christ. So you cannot hold people to the standard of being Jesus Christ, the Messiah, and never hurting you or upsetting you. It happens.

Speaker 1:

I'm not saying what they did is right. I'm not saying how you feel is wrong. What I'm saying is don't be so short-sighted that you allow the enemy to get a foothold in your heart and in your mind to where you can't forgive, because the Bible clearly says that if you do not forgive, you will not be forgiven. That's not my rule, that's not my standard. That's what the word says. So let's go on living, christ, you will be blessed, for the glorious spirit of god rests upon you.

Speaker 1:

If you suffer, however, it must not be for murder, stealing, making trouble or prying into other people's affairs. He said listen, if you're doing things you ain't supposed to and you're suffering, that ain't. That ain't what we're talking about. So apparently he knew we were going to be rereading this today because we do that right, like oh, the bible said this. Oh, I'm suffering, I must be doing it for the lord. No, you just a selfish jerk. So verse 16. But it is no shame to suffer for being a christ. Praise God for the privilege of being called by His name. So it is a privilege. I know this dude. We just watched Like he got stabbed, he got hurt. But think of past the pain, past the terrible story. He literally got to live out some scripture and was able to.

Speaker 1:

I know it sounds weird, especially if you've never actually suffered for christ in any way or you've never got an argument about jesus. Like there's something. It's like like me if somebody comes up to me and has something negative or bad or wrong to say about my wife or my children or my family, I'm going to defend it. Like there's no room for not defending that. I'm going to shut that mess down quick.

Speaker 1:

Well, when it comes to god, we're not. We're not so close to him and in relationship to him and this is why I feel it doesn't bother us too much, we're not really worried about it. Oh god, can. God can defend himself, which is true. He doesn't need you, he doesn't need your money, he doesn't need you know your two cents. But imagine how good it makes a loving father feel when his children stand up for him, when his children defend him, and rightfully so, being righteous before him by saying, no, this is wrong, I'm not going to stand for that.

Speaker 1:

It's a part of a christian character and christian integrity.

Speaker 1:

Like we have to stand up for something or we'll end up falling for anything, like the old, the old saying is true. Like you have to stand up for what you believe in and we, as christians, have to stand up for the word of god and what is right and what is wrong, even if it means that we're going to literally or emotionally, mentally or on social media all the bullies out there, social media bullies just turn your phone off, okay, it should not hurt you as bad as we let it sometimes. People in comment sections, you should see the comments on some of the videos I put on the YouTube channel. There is like I don't know if there was over a thousand or something on this one video. It wasn't all about me, it was just that they were going back and forth like trying to pick each other apart, just being hateful. Listen, if you watch my channel, don't be mean to the sinners. How will they know love? By us not acting like them? That is how they know there's something different.

Speaker 3:

So thank you for watching. We're about to go on to the next video Faith and Failures Podcast.

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