Faith And Failures Podcast

Robert Morris Resigns: Shocking Church Statement

July 04, 2024 Stephen Tilmon Season 2

🚨 Shocking Confession from MEGA Church! What You NEED to Know 🚨

What would you do if your trusted church leader confessed to something unimaginable? In today's episode of Faith and Failures, we dive deep into the MEGA Church confession involving Gateway Church and Senior Pastor Robert Morris. This is a story of sin, redemption, and the true power of grace. 🙏

Join us as we uncover the church's full statement and explore the ramifications of these recent events. From the heartfelt outpouring of the congregation to the steps taken by the board of elders—get all the crucial updates here. We also reflect on the timeless lessons of forgiveness and humility, drawing from Biblical teachings to guide us through these turbulent times.

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00:00 - Intro
00:35 - Gateway Church Update
04:55 - Gateway Church Statement Continued
11:32 - Damage of Putting Pastors on Pedestals
13:43 - Galatians 6:1-10
18:30 - Pray Instead of Talking About People

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Speaker 1:

Before we get into today's video, I just wanted to say thank you to all of the new subscribers. If you haven't yet consider subscribing, hit that bell notification so that you can see every time I put out a new video. A major portion of you that watch my videos haven't subscribed yet, so why not? It's free. You can also find a PayPal link below if you want to give it one time or give a monthly to support the channel. Anything channel, anything great or small, is appreciated. Now let's get into the video. So what we're going to go over is a few things. Today, we have, first of all, some bad news in the space of churches. You probably saw the live stream. You probably saw the video I put out about Gateway Church and Robert Morris, so I want you to go back and watch that video.

Speaker 1:

I share my honest opinions on everything. My honest opinions are there's nobody, just like Jesus wrote in the dirt, in the sand before the people, that was coming to stone the prostitute. Nobody can really throw stones because we've all done things we're ashamed of. We've all done something that we wish we wouldn't have done. We're not going to camp on this for very long, but I just wanted to kind of being a pastor being a part of a church to kind of being a pastor being a part of a church. Most people either haven't heard or don't know, but he confessed to it apparently years ago, said he did it, even using sermon illustrations or points about the redemption walk. What he did, that being said, apparently and I saw like people outside of the place and they were like 12 years old isn't a young lady, and apparently he said young lady instead of the actual age. So, that being said, I really hope y'all receive this with all the grace in the world and I'm not justifying anything he has done, but this is a statement put out by the church that probably most of you would be interested in knowing what they're doing, what they're saying, how they are responding. So, that being said, let's just read this together. So the statement to the congregation.

Speaker 1:

So, dear Gateway Church family, the board elders want to reach out to you personally to address the recent events in our church and to provide you with an update. This is an unthinkable and painful time in our church. Our church congregation is hurt and shaken. We know that you have many important questions. We want to answer as many of your questions as we can at this point. Obviously, there's so much that they can actually talk about, they can answer, and we ask that you continue to extend us grace as we navigate through the most challenging time. Obviously, there's so much that they can actually talk about, they can answer, and we ask that you continue to extend us grace as we navigate through the most challenging time in Gateway's history. I can't even imagine. So the details that have recently come to light are deeply disturbing. We continue to pray that God will bring peace, comfort and healing to everyone who has been affected. We know you are grieving, just as we are. We know that so many of you have been impacted and affected. We are here for you, we are praying for you and we love you. So the Board of Elders has taken a series of steps that we want to update you on.

Speaker 1:

So this is the video I put out. That was about just a specific what was happening with the Robert Moore stuff. Make sure that you check that one out. It's up on the YouTube page and it goes over in detail with videos and all the allegations, things like that, if you really want to know what was going on and what was said. And then at the end I give my kind of closing thoughts on it. Kind of closing thoughts on it. I have seen and since then and I think so this week is the 27th, I think last week, on a Tuesday which I just did that live stream Monday that next morning he resigned from the church and I still stand by what I said and go watch the video to give a full, in-depth, but pretty much.

Speaker 1:

I used to be a drug addict, I used to be an alcoholic, I used to be a lot of things that I'm not proud of and this is not to justify anything that someone does, but where much sin is, much more does grace abound. Okay, so I have seen so many videos in the last week, week and a half that are just they're doing it for clicks and they're supposed to be people who are supposed to love and be Christians, yet they're doing it for clicks. And they're supposed to be people who like, who are supposed to love and be christians, yet they're doing it and they're giving the devil a platform and tearing down anything god's trying to build up. Now I'm not talking about robert morris's theology, I'm not talking about this. I'm not talking about that. What I'm saying is, if I was in his shoes, I would want grace and mercy, as as you would, but anyways, you can watch the full video. I dive deep into it.

Speaker 1:

So the details that have recently come to light and deeply disturbing. We continue to pray. We already said that the Board of Elders has taken a series of steps that we want to update you on Now. If you don't know what an elder is on that video talking about Robert Morris, we go over what an elder is and what the Bible says an elder is. So first, the Board of Elders called a special meeting and accepted the resignation of our senior pastor, robert Morris, this past week. Gateway is committed to protecting people, first and foremost children and the most vulnerable. Abuse simply cannot be tolerated. We believe that God created every man and woman equally in His image and that every single person should be treated with respect and honor. God has called us to be known by our love for one another. Second, the Board of Elders has retained the law from Haynes and Boone LOP to conduct a thorough and independent inquiry so that the facts can be understood. Now. This is important. I talked about this in that Robert Morse video.

Speaker 1:

When the church, or allegations inside of a church and leadership or anybody. When something happens with money, sex, whatever scandal may be, it needs to be handled by a third party because if the church handles it, there will be bias. People love, you know, somebody can do something. It's like well, we're in the season right now of politicians because it's election year, so there's a lot of things going on right now on both sides that no matter what each guy does, because there's pretty much just two choices. Rfk is out because he can't get 15%. You know there's political stuff I've kind of dove into here recent, but anyways, it's Joe Biden and it is Trump. That's your two choices.

Speaker 1:

Some people say it's the lesser of two evils. Some people are like, oh, biden can't do anything wrong, no matter how many videos we see of him trying to just speak English, which I'm pretty sure is his first language. And then you have Trump. And then he's the mean guy, orange guy, bad. You know there's all kinds of like. Then you have these pictures come out where people have constructed Trump like this, and then Jesus or an angel with his hand on him. I'm like, okay, trump's not a Christian. I did a video on that too. If you're interested, look at it, because it gives a lot of facts and interviews from Trump's own lips. He can't even quote a Bible verse. That's all I'm saying.

Speaker 1:

But anyways, we're talking politics, not talking about God, right? Anyways, let's go back to this. So, the independent study, that's what they're saying, and then we truly are heartbroken. The healing is going to take time. So I saw a video of some people outside of, I think, gateway, and they were holding up signs and they were 12 years old. Is not a young lady? Like, okay, technically, yes, it still is.

Speaker 1:

I get what they're saying, but all this is doing is breeding more controversy, more division. The government does the same thing. They get us at each other and they try to divide us so that they can conquer us. It's the same tactic, just a new face painting. So we are grateful for how God has used Gateway to minister to so many people. Over the decades, countless people have been okay. Now they're bragging about themselves. That's great. Yeah, that's what that whole paragraph is. So the elders have asked Joachim Woe, lund, lund, I don't know to preach this week in a gateway. So they're just saying who's going to be there. So obviously this was a newsletter put out before Sunday, shown as much support during this painful time. Okay, please be praying for those affected, including Cindy Clemenshire, her family, the Morris family Okay, this makes me happy. This is why I say this.

Speaker 1:

So every person that I have seen put out anything since this scandal hit. The highlight was everybody is bashing and hating on robert morris. Now, is it warranted? Is it justified? There's a lot of things in our life that is warranted and justified, but the Bible calls us to act differently than the world does. Church people are so good at eating their own. It doesn't matter what the cost. They want to feel like they are right and usually it's a self-righteousness, not an actual, true, godly, biblical righteousness.

Speaker 1:

We're going to look at a scripture in just a second. I really want you to think about this. One of my board members sent me this. I think he saw the live stream last week and he blessed my heart. I love it when he shares stuff with me and he just pours out stuff. So, the Morris family okay, because, first of all, as you're attacking Robert Morris, you're also attacking his family. I know it feels like you're being right and you're doing a little keyboard warrior and you got little little things you want to say and stick it to him and finally I knew it. I knew something was off. No, you didn't. You're just falling in with the crowd and just trying to get clicks, like everybody else is Then gateway members.

Speaker 1:

Obviously the church needs prayer and here's the thing. We should be hoping and praying for redemption for robert morris. If it now this coming to light now, that doesn't mean he's already been redeemed, washed himself and been forgiven. Just because you're hearing about something now does not mean he's not living right now. But according to the, the elders, they decide, they, you know resignation and honestly, for him to do that and them not to ask him to step down. He probably was doing it for the love of the people, even though the people are the ones ripping him apart right now.

Speaker 1:

I know that sounds—it's one of those things. Listen, I have a daughter. She's about to be nine months old. I get it. I am not in any way trying to justify anything, but what I'm saying is, as Christians look at the just, if we call ourselves Christians, we need to reflect Christ. If you can agree with that, then just follow me for a second.

Speaker 1:

What is the attitude of Christian people right now towards Robert Morris? Is it the attitude that the world has towards people that do wrong, or is it the attitude of Christ, of what he portrayed over and over and over again? I'm not saying it's easy. There are consequences to actions and there should be. I mean, my goodness, go through the Old Testament of all the things Moses said. If you do this, which we're going to do in a minute you did this, did this, did this you're getting killed or whatever you know. But I mean, jesus taught us, showed us a Christ-like way that was a deeper depth of love, mercy and grace that the world has ever seen. So, anyways, keep loving God and His people. Okay, that's important.

Speaker 1:

Some people may, and this is the damage it can be. If the world, if people, put pastors on pedestals, okay, we are not called to lift up a human man above the Word of God or above righteousness or above accountability. This is. And then so something happens. Well then, you have people that leave the church and they define God based on a flawed person. That is not fair to God and it is wrong on every level, because we cannot use people, fallible people, to define and use to. And if you're using that to not come to church or say I knew they were all hypocrites, then you weren't really worried about what God had for you. Anyways, I mean, at the end of the day, I'm sorry, but that's just probably facts.

Speaker 1:

So we know God is on the throne, even when it seems all around us is shaking. He is our firm foundation and this is very important. I like that they're saying this Chat. Gpt did good right here I'm just kidding. He is our firm foundation, which, if Christ is the firm foundation, when everything else shakes and crumbles and things happen, your house stays standing because, my goodness, my little girl in there is just screaming and screaming. So you have to build your foundation on Christ, nothing else. That's how we, as people who look up to somebody and we all have people we look at God defines His people. His people do not define Him. Amen, that was my wife. So, moving on, we have, let's see, standing on a firm foundation days and weeks to come. We know that he loves and cares for everyone. So pray for the church, pray for Robert Morris and his family, because they're equally, if not more so, being affected especially. I hope that this whole time his wife knew, but imagine if she didn't, my goodness, it would be devastating to the health of their marriage.

Speaker 1:

So let's read this scripture. So in Galatians, chapter 6, it heads off with we harvest what we plant, and that's very, very, very important. There is a reason Jesus spoke in this type of way because most people around there were some sort of farmers. They understood animals, understood the land and, honestly, it was a teaching method that stands the test of time. We learned this in our science books going through grade school. We learned this in just nature. You go outside, you see something planted and it will grow, okay so, and you harvest what you plant. A banana will not produce a cucumber, a cucumber will not produce a watermelon. It always is what the seed is. That's very important.

Speaker 1:

So, dear brothers and sisters, if another believer is overcome by some sin, now did that right there say a specific sin or did it say some? Because a lot of us who are in the church house and I'm just going to say and this isn't the thing most of the time we have good intentions, but oftentimes we will be judgmental and put in our definition of what that sum is and we'll say, well, this is forgivable, but this is not and that's not biblical. The only, the only unforgivable sin is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit and we're not going to go into that today, because that's a whole podcast itself. You who are godly. So what is it saying? It's saying those of you who are living right, those of you my baby is screaming those of you who are being righteous. You are living a godly life.

Speaker 1:

You who are godly should gently and humbly help that person back on to the right path. You mean, when someone does something wrong, they're supposed to start doing right again. Well, how do they do that? It's really hard for someone to start doing right again if everyone is talking about how bad they are. You want to get people staying in poverty. Get them focused on what everybody else has and not focused on them doing more and being better. They'll lose it. Tell somebody they're always acting wrong, being bad, they will stay wrong. They'll stay bad. So share each other oh sorry, let me say this A person to back on the right path and be careful not to fall into the same temptation yourself. Share each other's burdens and, in this way, obey the law of Christ. If you think you are too important to help someone, you are only fooling yourself. And this is my favorite line You're not that important Boy.

Speaker 1:

I wish church people would write that that's a t-shirt and have an arrow pointing up. I might make that. I'm still going to come out with the store. I got a lot of things going on, so pay careful attention to your own work, for then you will get the satisfaction of a job well done and you won't need to compare yourself to anybody else. Because I tell my people all the time comparison kills calling For we are each responsible for our own conduct. Those who are taught the word of God should provide for their teachers sharing all good things. So then it goes on and says don't mislead and all this other stuff.

Speaker 1:

But this first part is detrimental to a person who stumbles. And I'm not saying there's not levels of sin, because obviously there are different punishments for different degrees of sin. Sin because obviously there are different punishments for different degrees of sin. But when God looks at it, sin is sin, unrighteousness is unrighteousness. So in that it makes it where everybody's on the same level, the same.

Speaker 1:

We can all mess up. We all have the potential to mess up. We all have the potential to run from God. We all have the potential to not live a righteous life. We all have the potential to sin grievous sins that none of us set out to do, and I just if I leave you with anything else, is to try to have a heart like Jesus, the heart of Jesus. And listen, I understand the people that Jesus was hardest on was the church people, like the people that should have known better. But every person, whether a head pastor of a church or a servant in the church doing whatever, or just somebody who comes, every person is susceptible to sin, because all of us are born into sin. All of us has been made of flesh from the first fall of Adam and Eve. We are all capable of doing such ungodly things. So I just want to leave you with that. Pray instead of talk about people. It may change your life. Faith and Failures Podcast. Talk about people. It may change your life.

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