Faith And Failures Podcast

Doctors Are FINALLY Admitting This About THIS

June 23, 2024 Stephen Tilmon

Is the clash between faith and culture tearing our society apart? In this eye-opening episode of Faith Vs. Culture: Doctors Finally Say What We're All Thinking, medical professionals courageously speak out against transgender ideologies and the alarming push for children's gender transitions. With compelling insights, they challenge the mainstream narrative, urging us to confront the underlying issues of pride and identity.

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Why has this message resonated with millions? Because common sense and truth always make a comeback. Dive into this episode as we unravel the controversial topics facing our faith and society today.

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Speaker 1:

Before we get into today's video, I just wanted to say thank you to all of the new subscribers. If you haven't yet, consider subscribing, Hit that bell notification so that you can see every time I put out a new video. A major portion of you that watch my videos haven't subscribed yet, so why not? It's free. You can also find a PayPal link below if you want to give a one-time or give a monthly to support the channel. Anything, great or small, is appreciated. Now let's get into the video. What is up? Faith and Failure's family. I never will get tired of that music and that intro. So we're going to be going over a few things today. Barely had time to get this live stream in today, but I really wanted to talk about some things that have come up in the news, specifically church news. If you haven't been following and you should, as a Christian we should be paying attention to what's going on in other churches, what's going on with ministers. The reason you should pay attention to these types of things is because you may be following somebody that may not be worthy of following. That doesn't mean that that applies to any topics we're going to be talking about today, but unless you have been living under a rock.

Speaker 1:

This month is considered pride month. Now, what does pride do? It comes before the fall. Yes, pride, it is, in essence the root of all evil. It is the reason the devil fell from heaven. It is the reason that we oftentimes will sin. We get in compromising situations. We allow ourselves to think that we are above another sex, above another race, above another church. Churches are good about this.

Speaker 1:

Let's just talk about churches for a second. Churches are great at thinking that they've got their junk together and we will put down bash, talk about backbite, gossip, label, whatever you want on this and we will be as if we are the one true church that was birthed out of Acts, chapter 2, when the Holy Spirit came down. We are echoes of that. We are grafted into the true vine. But the Bible clearly says, as Paul writes. He says that it is by faith, through grace, so that no man or woman could boast. Boast is a root of pride, it is a fruit of pride. Pride is the root. So we have to pluck things out by the root. Well, if you within the last I don't know I would venture out to say maybe the last 10 years, that may be stretching it just a little bit.

Speaker 1:

The last 10 years has been a massive push on the transgender movement. Now, if you haven't been paying attention, you probably don't know this, but for those of us who live in the world and you have to talk to people and you, you see, tiktok is great for this. I don't know why tiktok it people are drawn to that with that type of lifestyle or that type of mentality, but it is very much so alive on the talks, toxic talks, TikToks. So, that being said, we're going to look at something and there's this, a podcast. I listen to it a lot, but sometimes the language is terrible. I don't think there's any bad language in the segment that they're talking about, but what it is.

Speaker 1:

It is apparently on X, which is formerly known as Twitter. It is one of the most viral clips that has been played, because it is medical professionals coming out and speaking out and speaking out, finally speaking out against transgender ideologies. Not only speaking against transgender ideologies, but saying please, for the love of all that is holy, will you stop trying to mutilate children? And this person is not a protester, this person is not some Joe Blow off the street. That's just like hey, you guys need to stop doing this because we said so. This is a person who has medical experience, medical backing, a doctor's degree in this field, and is saying please stop pushing this because it is dangerous. So this podcast that I listen to and if cursing gets to you or somebody asked me the other day when do you know not to listen to cursing? When do you know when it's too much in a movie? When do you know this and that, the same measure I do on music. So for those that don't know, I know this skin right here is white and pasty, especially in the light right there. You can see that right there. That's no tan because it's underneath.

Speaker 1:

I love R&B and a little bit of rap music and that's just. I don't know why. When I was in high school I would wear yeah, I think this is dumb I would wear and it's weird because my son's doing the same thing and I have not told him or pushed him in any direction but he also likes uh, rb music and rap music and stuff and I used to wear these big chains with like big crosses and no, I could not afford the real stuff. So it would be like cubic zirconian little diamonds in the cross or whatever. Oh my god, I I have no clue who made fun of me behind my back, but I thought I was cool. I even uh, let's see, was I 18? Yeah, I was 18 because I went to college, 18, 19.

Speaker 1:

And I, I permed my hair to where I had an Afro. Some of you are like what? Yes, I know I was very cool. Apparently, I repeated the 60s and 70s, what white people were doing then. I didn't know that, I just thought it looked cool.

Speaker 1:

So you know, you always want what you can't have. You know what I mean. I wanted curly hair. I wanted to like when I would walk, I would bounce a little bit and my afro would. I kid you not, I kid you not. And then I went a different direction. After I had the afro, for some reason, after I had the really curly hair, I got this like the kind of surfer shell and it was like the twine stuff that was big. It was like 2004, 2005. I looked like a surfer. I had never surfed a day in my life. I've been to the beach before, but that was about it, and I went through that phase as well. So you know, you always want what you can't have. You always dream about the places you can never go, or that you will, that you never been or you will never go. But that is who I was. Now I'm just me and you get what you get. I spent a lot.

Speaker 1:

The reason I'm so authentic now and I am who I am in front of anybody, it doesn't matter I probably tell too much of what's going on, Even when I preach is I spent so much time trying to figure out who I was and I was. I didn't know what authenticity was and I would try to seem like other people. I would try to talk like other people, I would try to act like other people, and it was a long, hard road to find me, and so when you talk about people that have like gender dysphoria and listen, I believe that that's a real thing. I don't think that some people are just gravitating towards what's getting the most attention because, let's be honest, people are prideful, People need, they want. Either they lacked something growing up or growing up now they're not getting that attention and so they see all these other people getting attention, and the reason I'm painting it with these kinds of description is because I want you, if you're watching this and you don't believe in God and you're not a Christian or whatever. And, by the way, let me take that back Even if you say you believe in God, it does not mean you're a Christian. So the devil believes in God, he knows he's real, has nothing to do with anything. It's about Christ. But these people are souls that need Christ. Christ, they need Jesus. They need freedom from their bondage, Just like and I gave this example a week or two ago in Sunday service because my wife is the definition of character, of integrity, of she does not show off her body, she does not.

Speaker 1:

She doesn't gossip, she doesn't do. I mean, she is the perfect woman, she is the perfect wife. Is she a perfect person? That's not what I'm talking about. None of us are perfect, but as far as as close as you could be to perfection without being Christ himself in my eyes and yes, I'm probably biased, but that is my wife. Now, that being said, no matter how perfect she is, no matter how perfect she acts or what she does, she still needs a Savior, and every person who has been born on this earth is a human needs a Savior.

Speaker 1:

So let's watch this, the podcast I mentioned. It is called PBD, and then they do shorter clips, so they'll do a couple of hours. They'll do maybe two and a half hours and they will go and chop them up on a. So his company is actually called Valuetainment, so he'll chop them up into smaller little pieces. So his name is Patrick Bet-David and you can see, obviously they go through a lot of different stuff. I mean, they're on the podcast for like two hours and 22 minutes.

Speaker 1:

So let's look at this and I want you to think about this and this.

Speaker 1:

When I heard this, when I watched this, I was like finally, because what does I mean? I'm on the YouTube space right now Facebook, Instagram, things like that Like my church from some of the messages that I preached, I actually looked and they were saying that we couldn't post some of the clips from the sermon because it was saying truth and it was censoring my church from my messages and it was pretty sad. So when the COVID-19 first came out, guess what? It is a fact from Twitter files and Zuckerberg coming out with the election and all this stuff, they are censoring things so that some things make it. The path is carved out, However they want it to be carved out. The information gets out, however, they want it to get out, and so it's being manipulated. So finally, finally, you have Musk. Elon Musk, who bought Twitter, now called X, and he is allowing more free speech where it is not a closed off circuit to where you can only say certain things that fit their narrative. So let's watch this.

Speaker 3:

What it is to be an entrepreneur. However, you're either a supporter of an entrepreneur or you are. If you're the one you want, all the pressure on you. Great If you're not. But you're excited to see video on Twitter this last week Okay, this video, rob. If he can unshow the video to show the stats, I want to read it because I also want to give credit to who posted the tweet. Is by Robbie Starbuck Okay, great name. And he posted this. It has 177,000 likes. It's got 62,000 reposts Okay, 54.4 million views. And you wonder why. The American college of pediatricians just put out a fire statement calling out all the major medical associations by name for pushing the gender transition craze on kids. They ask for these groups to immediately stop the promotion of social affirmation, puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and surgeries for children and adolescents who experience distress over their biological sex. Watch this video. Go ahead, rob.

Speaker 2:

We have serious concerns about the physical and mental health effects of the current protocols promoted for the care of children and adolescents in the United States who express discomfort with their biological sex. This declaration was authored by the American College of Pediatricians, but really it was developed from the expertise of hundreds of doctors, researchers and other healthcare workers and leaders who for years have been sounding the alarm on the harmful protocols.

Speaker 1:

So she's saying that they have been. They've been sounding the alarm for years. Now let me ask you this In all of this agenda pushing the transitioning movement, first of all, if you look up any major I don't want to say Democrat, but the far, far, far left, like radical left, which end up being the billionaires and they're usually pretty rich because of the way they do things they talk about population control. How do you control population? You curve the reproduction by them getting sick and dying or by not being able to reproduce at all. Use your critical thinking people. For 10 years I said that early about me. For years she said hundreds. They have been saying things and I don't know about you, but this is one of the first videos and outright speaking against this kind of movement at this level. I have never heard an actual doctor come out and say something against it. They've always been trying to push for it because of that almighty dollar, because of certain specific selfish interests.

Speaker 2:

I continue to be promoted by the medical organizations in the United States. Despite recent revelations from the leaked WPATH files and the recent release of the final report from the cast review, these medical organizations have not changed course. So we are calling on these medical organizations of the United States, including the American Academy of Pediatrics, the Endocrine Society, the Pediatric Endocrine Society, the American Medical Association, the American Psychological Association and the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, to follow the science and their European colleagues and immediately stop the promotion of social affirmation.

Speaker 1:

So this has obviously been Some major players in this space that she just named that has been pushing this Because, however that stream works, where the money goes from down to up, they have been pushing it so that their pocket is padded and they are well taken care of. Whether it was going to damage or hurt the person, the victim involved, they still pushed it.

Speaker 2:

Puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and surgeries for children and adolescents who experience distress over their biological sex. In our declaration we affirm that sex is a dimorphic innate trait defined in relation to an organism's biological role in reproduction male and female.

Speaker 1:

Oh, male and female, I wonder where we got that. Originally the Bible. It was in the Bible he created them, male and female.

Speaker 2:

This genetic signature is present in every nucleated somatic cell in the body and is not altered by drugs or surgical interventions. Consideration of these innate differences is critical to the practice of good medicine and to the development of sound policy for children and adults alike. Medical decision making should be based upon an individual's biological sex. It should respect biological reality and the dignity of the person by compassionately addressing the whole person. We are here defying the claims made by these medical organizations in the US that those of us who are concerned are a minority and that their protocols are consensus. They are not consensus.

Speaker 3:

And we are speaking in a loud, unified voice enough. So here's a question I got for you folks, if you're watching this, why do you think 55 million people were interested in this just last week? Because someone is finally saying the truth. Why, why? Why is this the most viral tweet? I think it's the most viral tweet on the last week. Why, why is that? Well, what? What makes? I mean, she wasn't sensational, no, she, she actually, the way she talks, she talks where she could be the cure for insomnia. It wasn't like it was a motivational speech where she fired you up. She didn't tell you a joke. She wasn't like and we're going to do this. And she didn't do anything like that or fire or call people out or destroy or disrespect or say any of that stuff that gets things to go viral. She's just reading something to you, but 55 million people said enough is enough.

Speaker 3:

People said enough is enough, and that's because the other 300 and whatever 270 million, 280 million people in America haven't seen it. But there's a reason why a message like this goes viral. Tom thoughts.

Speaker 4:

I have the shortest comment I'm going to make today. What did you say at the beginning of this podcast? Common sense always makes the comeback and wins in the fourth quarter, and I think this is. They've got science on their side, wrapped around a common sense argument in that science, and almost 60 million people are watching this and saying, yeah, you know what? I agree with that.

Speaker 1:

You know what I think. So here's what I think. Money makes people do things or stop doing things. Now, what do I mean by that? A period of time where it's been happening to people, to these victims that are confused about things or want to fall in line with other people and stand out and be able to feel special. Or maybe they do feel a certain way, or maybe they just have mental issues. The setup is endless. You can kind of paint it however you want and fill in the blank. Whatever the cause may be, the push of this is evil, bottom line.

Speaker 1:

So I want to look at a scripture right quick. I wanted you to think about this. This is Luke, chapter 12, verse two and three, and this is Jesus talking, when it's in red letters. That's what it means. That means Jesus is talking and it says this the time has come and everything that is covered up will be revealed and all that is secret will be made known to all. Whatever you have said in the dark will be heard in the light, and what you have whispered behind closed doors will be shouted from the housetops for all to hear. So here's what I gather from this scripture is that even when the devil has a great plan for confusion, for division. I mean, we're seeing right now in the political space such a great divide that we probably haven't seen in years. It's like everybody who's doing wrong is painting up the other people to be the bad guy, to cover up that they're being the bad guy. This agenda of transgenderism? The Pride Month you think Pride Month is bad? These holidays have been behind closed doors where you probably didn't even know they existed yet. This is actual from seattleprideorg. This is a Seattle Pride official Pride website. Look at this with me. This is. What is so wrong with this. Is that this is actual, real, something real. Look at this. Okay, can you see this? All right, january, national Mentoring Month no Name Calling Week International Holocaust Remembrance Day how is that? Okay, that reminds me, all right.

Speaker 1:

So we went to the Holocaust Museum, me and my wife, and they had a store. Now tell me, this is what the devil did this. Think about this. The devil did this when he tried to tempt Jesus. Okay, he did the same thing. Okay, he took a look. He did the same thing in the garden with Adam and Eve. He took a little bit of truth and then he, he, he encompassed it with a bunch of lies. The Hulk, international Holocaust remembrance day.

Speaker 1:

Now tell me, what does that have to do anything with pride? Pride month, with homosexuality? The facts is it does not. And when? Sexuality? The facts is it does not. And when I went to the holocaust museum with my wife because we were in in that town, I think it was in. Where was it? It doesn't matter we walked in immediately to the right. What was it? It was an entire store that was dedicated to pride. Pride stuff was everywhere. I was just like if I would have went there with my family.

Speaker 1:

What does their sexual preference have to do with the holocaust? Absolutely nothing. Yet they're spreading the propaganda and doing all that junk. That's just. It's infuriating. There's absolutely no reason for it. Absolutely no reason for it. So look at this before I, before I go, before I go any further.

Speaker 1:

Aromatic spectrum awareness week I'm not even sure what that is. Bisexual health awareness week okay. Zero discrimination day. International transgender day of visibility. International asexual day, day of silence? I doubt that's happening, I'm sorry.

Speaker 1:

Interlight international lesbian listen, we're in april and there's already been one, two, three, uh, four, five, I guess that's six. International Day is seven, eight, nine, nine. In three months, four months, international Day Against Homophobia, biphobia and Transphobia. I've never personally met someone who's actually scared of someone in the alphabet community. That's what a phobia is. You see how they twist words to make us the bad guys of someone in the alphabet community. That's what a phobia is. You see how they twist words to make us the bad guys. Now listen, I'm not saying they're not people. I'm not saying they don't deserve rights and this and that or whatever they like. I said in the very beginning, they need a savior. They're like oh well, you're just talking about this and that and you're hating and you're transphobic, homophobe. No, no, no.

Speaker 1:

I, as a heterosexual, have desires to sleep with as many beautiful women as I can Think about it. It is a desire inside of me to do wrong. It is a desire inside of me to watch pornography. It is a desire inside of me to be selfish and not be a good father, to not spend money on them. I would rather buy me something nice, something expensive, something great, go on a trip where I don't have to worry about nobody, no responsibility, no, nothing. But because I am, I die to myself daily. I'm not asking, requiring or saying anybody else should do anything more or less than what God requires of me to do daily, because Jesus levels the playing field for everyone. We all need to die to ourselves, put our selfish ambition, our fleshly desires to the side and pick up our cross daily and follow him. It's not a focus on a specific people or person, it's everybody across the board. So, anyways, I'm not going to go down all these, but look at this. It goes on. Every single month has at least one.

Speaker 1:

But my point is us as Christians. If you don't believe in God, you're not a Christian. Or maybe you're just watching this to write down some hateful things in the comments later when I post this video. That's okay, bring it on. They hated Jesus, and I'm not hating on anybody, but I'm saying you do need Jesus, you do need a Savior, just as I do. So lay down your pride at the feet of Jesus. That's all he wants.

Speaker 2:

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