Faith And Failures Podcast

JK Rowling SLAMS Harry Potter Leading Actors over THIS?

May 23, 2024 Stephen Tilmon Season 2 Episode 32

Amidst the whirlwind of controversy, J.K. Rowling's critique of "Harry Potter" actors Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson for their support of transgender rights has ignited a firestorm of debate. As I peel back the layers of this contentious issue, I'm struck by the weight of celebrity influence on social matters and the intertwining of art, its creator, and personal convictions. The discourse isn't just limited to the corridors of Hogwarts; it spills into the broader dialogue on gender identity and the complexities of affirming care for transgender children—a topic rife with diverging medical opinions and concerns about long-term effects.

The episode doesn't shy away from the tough questions. What role should public figures play in shaping societal norms, and how does their stance impact fans and followers? I find myself reflecting on a personal experience, illustrating how discussions of gender identity infiltrate our lives in unexpected ways—yes, even in mundane tasks like delivering images to clients. Insights from recent medical reviews on transitioning children add a critical dimension to the narrative, challenging us to consider the repercussions of affirming care. Join me as we scrutinize the chasm between celebrity personas and the characters they've portrayed, all while navigating the sensitive, sometimes turbulent, waters of public opinion and personal belief.

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Speaker 1:

Before we get into today's video, I just wanted to say thank you to all of the new subscribers. If you haven't yet, consider subscribing, hit that bell notification so that you can see every time I put out a new video. A major portion of you that watch my videos haven't subscribed yet, so why not? It's free. You can also find a PayPal link below if you want to give a one-time or give a monthly to support the channel. Anything, great or small, is appreciated. Now let's get into the video. Jk Rowling slams Harry Potter leading actors. So we're going to wrap up today's live stream with a a short little video, and so this is from the youtube channel russlon actually this one's kd, I'm sorry, this one's bless god studios.

Speaker 2:

So let's check this video out russlon before we get into that, guys, my name is russlon. This channel exists to encourage power and inspire you to live a life that blesses God. It's a huge video. Jk Rowling has been in hot water for years now because of her alleged transformer phobia. Okay, and they've been dragging her through the mud, including the people that starred in her movie. The very same actors that play the characters she wrote have called her phobic as well. Well, she decided to unload a clip on these very same people because they said she was regressive, they said she was a bigot, they said all the. I don't know if they said she was a bigot, but they said all kinds of crazy things about her, and she has publicly called them out since. A recent medical review seems to be leading to the reality that this affirming care for transformer children is actually not affirming at all. It's actually potentially dangerous and can come with irreversible side effects.

Speaker 1:

What? How could anyone not know?

Speaker 2:

that JK Rowling slams Daniel Radcliffe, emma Watson over their transformer rights support. They can have their apologies. Save their apologies. They can save their apologies. Jk Rowling says she will not forgive her Harry Potter actress who has spoken out against her controversy and if you guys don't know who the actors are, I mean these are pretty big names, right? Hogwarts will not be welcoming David Radcliffe, daniel Sorry, daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson. He can read, I think. Soon after JK Rowling shared a recent review of the medical evidence for transitioning children that found that the NHS did not know the long-term effects of gender-affirming care for minors, fans were curious if the report can change the author's relationship with the force.

Speaker 1:

Saying that they didn't know. Come on, I've seen Matt Walsh's documentary. What is a woman? They interview people who transitioned and then detransitioned. There's just so much evidence like they can't even have, like after they have their parts cut off or whatever. They can't even have traditional excuse the language for those who are sensitive Like orgasms they can't have, obviously they can't have children anymore. There's so many things that can happen that go against the natural body and it's just so obvious and people just try to push this stuff.

Speaker 1:

I was trying to. So I have a media company and I was just trying to deliver images. So I use this website. I put the images put in there. It saves me on as far as storage wise and delivering to them, like Dropbox and things like that. So this is just like I go on the little website drag and drop, and it sends off the files to my clients and in the background of this website to send just files, I'm sending media. That's the point of the website.

Speaker 1:

They had this trans thing or whatever, and these two guys kissing each other and I'm just like what in the world? I'm just trying to run a business and I can't escape this junk. It's so stinking, annoying so that for people to even try to pretend like there's not damage or not, it it's mutilating your body. I saw an interview one time of a a transgender was a guy that uh, transformed into a man, say, like it's the, the movie transformers, and he she said that they could not, like they had to keep. It was painful, put things in there because the body kept trying to close up the hole that was manufactured, because the body thinks that it's a wound and so it's trying to repair itself, and it was constantly painful, like having intimate time with whatever they choose to be with. I guess they can't even do it because it's so painful. And they took like 40 minutes with a affirming doctor to say that it was okay, like that's what they needed. It's ridiculous. Former.

Speaker 2:

Harry Potter. Just to be clear Right now they're saying they don't know, we don't know the long term consequences. They know.

Speaker 1:

I guess technically you can't know the long term consequences because you haven't had years and years and years. But there's plenty of short term, and by short term I mean immediate, where only a few months pass and there's complications but they're worried about that money that is coming out, they know.

Speaker 2:

They know that a there's complications, but they're worried about that money and he's coming out, they know. They know that a lot of this stuff that they're doing is irreversible. They know that a lot of these kids, especially the ones that do the full-on bottom surgeries, will likely never have an orgasm.

Speaker 1:

But why, yeah, exactly why is it that they are pushing it so hard? Population control, if they can get people to do this junk? Apparently, population control if they can get people to do this junk apparently it was going around that covid was one of the phases of that pushing transgender if you get everybody mutilating themselves not and feeling like they're in the wrong body, you know, and playing god and all that other stuff, you curve the population because those people can't have babies anymore. They'll, they won't, they won't want to have babies, because the pain, because the damage is they never have kids, right?

Speaker 2:

so they, they know what's going on. Now. What they're saying they don't know is when we're talking about the medications that they're giving these kids to, quote-unquote, pause puberty so they could figure out which gender they are.

Speaker 1:

Right, they know, they know where this is going and they're they can't buy a pack of cigarettes, they can't drink, they can't go into the military, but they can choose to cut off pieces of their body, mastectomies, castration. Tell me how that logically makes sense and try to explain to me how that is not pushing their own agenda. It's not and and they're putting the words care on it and it's not caring at all.

Speaker 2:

It's destructive and it's disgusting going to be ambiguous about this, just like they were ambiguous about the natural immunity with the rona, just like they flip-flopped on the whether masks were effective or not. They know, they know. The question is is this going to change your yeah?

Speaker 1:

the mask. So I mean, how many people I did. I had an Etsy store, I did, I killed it and I still have a lot of stuff left over. I may just start giving it away to y'all for free for those who have subscribed. And they're saying that any kind of mask will stop it. So you're telling me a cotton mask will stop it. Then I can do this and I'll be free, I'll be safe, it's ridiculous Relationship.

Speaker 2:

Are these fans, are these actors, going to come out and apologize and say, yeah, she was right, because we kind of are experimenting on these children, many of which have detransitioned, and the thousands, at least, have detransitioned in? The thousands, at least, have detransitioned right. So the British author was blunt in question whether she could forgive Watson, 33, and Radcliffe, 34, if they apologized for previous criticism of her comments opposing hormone blockers for kids. Just waiting for Dan and Emma to give a very public apology, safe in the knowledge that you will forgive them. One social media user wrote to Rawling okay, and her response is pretty not safe, I'm afraid. Rowling 58, responded on Wednesday.

Speaker 2:

Rowling went on to blast the celebrities who spoke out against her when she wrote an essay that was deemed phobic in 2020. Celebs who cozied up to a movement intent on eroding women's hard-won rights and who used their platform to cheer on the transitioning of minors can save their apologies for traumatized detransitioners and vulnerable women relying on single sex spaces. And these these are the actors that threw shots and I said all kinds of wild stuff about her. Radcliffe, who played the so duly your character and the franchise eight films, affirmed his support for transformer rights and his disapproval of rolling stances that same year. It's clear that we need to do more to support Transformers and non-binary people, not invalidate.

Speaker 1:

Non-binary is the most ignorant and backwards and pointless saying.

Speaker 2:

I've ever heard their identities, he said in a letter. Okay, watson, who has been a staunch advocate for lgtv and women's rights since she stopped portraying hermoy granger, also chimed in transformer people are who they are and deserve to live their lives without being constantly questioned or told they aren't who they say they are interesting. Okay, fellow members of the Harry Potter franchise, like Rupret Grant and Fantastic Beasts star Eddie Radman shared their support for the Transformer community after Rowling's controversial essay. Rowling has been open about her views on the Transformer community and said she'd happily do jail time for her beliefs. I like how all these actors are just taking the easiest stance ever. Oh yeah, this is listing off like okay, if you're part of the cast, you have to release a letter on Twitter.

Speaker 1:

Pretty much, and they're all saying the same thing.

Speaker 2:

They're all saying the same thing yeah, and so they're saying she could do jail time because there's a new hate crime law bans hatred on basis of race. All the things sexual and religious transformers Began earlier this month. Rowling has.

Speaker 1:

It's not hate. See what I was talking about earlier. They're trying to take the truth and and fit it for the culture. And so then, if you speak truth, now you're you're hating, now you can go to jail, now you can spend time in prison. Now you are a bigot, now you're a homophobe. This is this is the direction for the end times, where you can't say actual truth anymore, where they will snuff out truth, they will censor truth and we won't be allowed to say anything that is true unless it fits what they say is allowed, and that's called a dictatorship haunted scottish police to try to arrest her for misgendering people, and so this transformer news anchor has tried to call for her to be arrested for misgendering.

Speaker 2:

Freedom of speech and belief are at an end in scotland an end in Scotland and the accurate description of biological sex is deemed criminal. The billionaire wrote on X. Oh my gosh, yeah, yeah. Describing her as a billionaire, that's kind of gangster. That's kind of gangster because everyone's like, oh, the famous author, whatever.

Speaker 2:

She's like I'm a billionaire, her money long so she can fight this. She could probably take it up to whatever their Supreme Court is in Scotland. Right, and really, really, really, really, really go at it. And it reminds me and someone in the chat pointed this out, reminds me of the verse, obviously, in Isaiah 520, woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. This flipping of language, this really bizarre good evil, evil good is. It's satanic, like it is what it is right. And that's not a stamp of JK Rowling or her being a Christian or anything like that. It's just sometimes people can see the obvious, despite the rest of us being afraid to call out the obvious. So what do?

Speaker 1:

you think, have you been paying attention that good is now trying to be betrayed as evil and evil as good? Christians? We've got to get busy. We've got to start speaking truth. We've got to start standing up for what is right. Or what is right can be manipulated and twisted to fit whatever they want it to be. Well, thank you for joining me today. I really appreciate your time and make sure that you subscribe. You hit that bell notification so you can see every time I put out a new video. Make sure you go follow us on Instagram, Subscribe on YouTube Faith and Failures at Gmail If you ever want to be a guest on the show. When I started this podcast, it actually was a space to uplift other people's stories. I love doing interviews. I love talking with people, so let me know. You can email me and get a hold of me, or you can comment on a video and we'll get together and get your information. I hope you have a great rest of your week and we will see you next time.

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